Privacy Policies

Agreement to Privacy Policies shall be requested in advance for the user registration.

Sanesu Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") shall provide support to connect "Companies aiming to hire human resources" and "Foreigners qualified as Specified Skilled Worker who want to work in Japan". The Company shall recognize that protecting any personal information must be its social responsibility to ensure the relief to use the website by the users. The Company shall familiarize every employee including officers with the following Privacy Policies and strive to handle any personal information appropriately in accordance with the Policies.

  1. Acquisition, use, and provision of personal information
    The Company shall take on acquisition, use, and provision of any personal information appropriately upon determination of the using purposes within the necessary scope to execute its business activities. Any personal information that the Company has acquired shall be used only within the using purposes and the Company shall take measures not to use the information for any other purposes.
  2. Compliance to laws, guidelines, and norms on personal information protection
    The Company shall comply with any laws that provide handling of personal information protection and guidelines and any other norms that the competent authorities have issued based on Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
  3. Security control measures for personal information protection
    The Company shall take reasonable Security control measures as well as preventive and corrective measures against any dangers that may happen with unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss or damage of any personal information.
  4. Complaints and consultations regarding personal information
    The Company shall respond promptly and appropriately to complaints or consultations regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. Management system for personal information protection
    The Company shall review and improve the management system for personal information protection continuously in order to use personal information appropriately and to protect the information thoroughly.

Handling of personal information

The Company shall pay close attention to its management of any personal information that it has collected and handle the information as provided below herein.

  1. Using purposes of personal information
    The Company shall collect personal information for the using purposes provided as below herein.The Company shall use the information upon announcement of the using purposes officially in the event that the purposes may be generated to conflict to the scope of the following purposes herein.
    1. Information obtained from users of the systems that shall be managed by the Company
      ・ To provide authentication, management, administrative communication, and various system functions for the user members information.
      ・ To provide information to the recruiting companies which have been registered to the system of the Company.
      ・ To conduct surveys and campaigns, and provide any other services.
      ・ To respond to any opinions, inquiries or questions from the users.
      ・ To execute advertisements and promotions based on the attribute information.
      ・ To improve the services, develop any new services and conduct the marketing.
    2. Information given in trust from the customers who use the service
      ・ To manage information on the customers who use the services that the Company provides and conduct the sales activities.
    3. Information on applicants for the recruitment to the Company.
      ・ To confirm the recruitment selection the applications record.
      ・ To communicate with the applicants and respond to any inquiries from the applicants.
  2. Provision of personal information
    The Company shall not provide either entire or part of personal information to any third parties unless otherwise the user shall accept the disclosure in principle.
  3. Disclaimer to disclosure of personal information to third party
    The Company shall be immune to any liabilities for acquisition of personal information by any third parties in the following events herein.
    1. In the event that any others than the user himself or herself have obtained personal information that can identify the user individuality (including ID or password).
    2. In any other events that the disclosure shall not be attributed to liability of the Company.
  4. Identity verification
    The Company shall identify identities by information for personal identification (including ID, e-mail address, password) in any events that it performs the member registrations of the users and respond to requests such as disclosure, correction, deletion or suspension of the information or the users use the system. However, the Company shall be immune to any liabilities in the even that any others than the user himself or herself may acquire the identifiable information on the personal information.
  5. Procedure for responding to requests for disclosure, correction and suspension to use personal information
    The Company shall respond to requests for notification or disclosure of using purposes of personal information, correction of, addition to or deletion of the contents, suspension or deletion of the use, and suspension to provide the information to any third parties (hereafter referred to as “Disclosure”) within the reasonable scope as far as information that the Company shall hold upon confirmation of identity of the user immediately. The detailed procedure to request Disclosure shall be contacted to the contact information provided as below herein. However, following events shall not correspond to personal information under consideration of Disclosure.
    ・ In the event that any possibilities to harm lives, bodies, properties or any other interests of the principal or any other third parties may be realized by disclosing existence of the personal information.
    ・ In the event that Disclosure may disturb business operation of the Company.
    ・ In the event that Disclosure response may breach any laws, norms, regulations or rules.
  6. Revisions of "Privacy Policies" and "Handling of Personal Information"
    The Company shall be entitled to revise "Privacy Policies" and "Handling of Personal Information" arbitrarily within the scope that shall not breach any laws, norms, regulations or rules.
  7. Contact information
    The contact information to the Company for any complaints, consultations or Disclosure shall be presented as below herein.
    Sanesu Service Co., Ltd.
    Consultation desk for complaints or consultations regarding personal information
    Address: 3-2 Shimizu-cho 1-chome, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 471-0843, JAPAN
    TEL : +81-565-42-5002
    E-mail :